Know Your Skintype in 60 Seconds

Did you know that there are many ways to classify skin types?
One example is the Baumann indicator, better known as BTSI indicator. There is a test for skin type that must be done with the advice of a dermatologist. However, here are the basic concepts.
There are 4 skin categories in the BTSI indicator

1. Dry or Oily
2. Resistant or Sensitive
3. Pigmented or Nonpigmented
4. With Wrinkles or Without Wrinkles
See below
Your skin will be in one of the categories mentioned above. I like another type of classification that gives us guidelines internally and externally to take care of our skin and that has worked very well for me, this classification is according to Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a millenary science that has its origin in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayur means life and veda means knowledge. According to Ayurveda there are three types of constitution or doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. In this case we will focus on our skin. Our skin has all three doshas however usually one dosha predominates. When it is in balance, the skin looks healthy and radiant. It is important to know what type of skin you have to be able to give special care and nutrients according to your skin type. In the next paragraph you will find a simple Ayurvedic questionnaire to determine which is the predominant element in your skin so you know if your skin is dosha, Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

Let us begin; Vata skin is composed of the elements air and ether. This is a dry, thin, delicate skin, when it is in imbalance it is extremely dry and can present roughness and peeling.

The Pitta skin's predominant elements are fire and water. Pitta skin is soft, warm and medium thickness and your complexion tends to be pink and sometimes tends to have freckles or moles. When it is in imbalance it tends to present rosacea, acne or pigmentation disorders. It does not tolerate the sun well and can also be aggravated by feelings of anger, frustration or resentment.

Kapha skin is composed of the elements water and earth; It is a thick, oily skin, soft and fresh when touched. It is a skin more resistant to wrinkles with the passage of time than Vata or Pitta skin. Imbalance presents excessive fat, acne or pimples and water retention.

What is your Ayurvedic skin type?

In the Ayurveda way, your skin can have two predominant elements; it can be water and earth (kapha), fire and water (pitta), or air and ether (vata). With a simple test you can discover yours.

Answer these questions based on how your skin it’s been throughout your life, not with a recent imbalance that you may have now.

Feeling of the skin:
A. My skin feels very dry
B. My skin feels sensitive or a combination of oil and dry
C. My skin feels oily

Look of the skin:
A. Thin and with small pores
B. Medium pores and little oily.
C. Enlarged pores.

Temperature of the skin
A. Cold
B. Warm
C. Cool

When I have skin problems these are mostly:
A. Dryness or dry eczema
B. Blackheads, wet eczema, acne, redness or inflammation.
C. Cystic formations or acne.

My skin is prone to:
A. Chapping and or premature wrinkles.
B. Freckles, redness, moles, acne, photosensitivity.
C. Itching, prone to fungal infection.

Whether conditions that bother you:
A. Cold and dry.
B. Hot and sunny.
C. Cold and humid.

Skin color:
A. My skin color is relatively darker that skin of my ethnic type
B. Reddish
C. Pale

Vata Skin

If your answers were mostly A, your type of skin is Vata

Recommendations for Vata skin:

-Prevent dryness by applying moisturizers or serums.
-Avoid cleansing products that dry the skin.
-Eat a warm diet and include ghee and good oils in your diet, like olive or coconut oil.
-Favour sweet, salty and sour tastes in your diet.
-Avoid drying foods like toast, crackers and raw vegetables since they are dry and cold.
-Sleep between 7 and 8 hours, it will have a positive effect on your vata skin.

Pitta Skin

If your answers were mostly B, your type of skin is Pitta

Recommendations for pitta skin:

-Avoid excessive sunlight.
-Avoid hot and spicy foods.
-Favour astringent, bitter and sweet foods.
-Gentle cleansing and free chemical skin care are advise
-Drink plenty of room temperature water.

Kapha Skin

If your answers were mostly C, your type of skin is Kapha

Recommendations for kapha skin:

-Use a gentle cleanser and good exfoliation product.
-Wash your face with just warm water at least twice a day, it will help clean the pores.
-Favor astringent, pungent and bitter tastes.
-Do a regular exercise routine, it will increase circulation and help purify the skin.
-Avoid heavy and hard to digest foods, like rich desserts, cheeses or fatty meats.